Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday, 27 February

Class spent the day in lab 16 drafting the rough draft of the thesis.

Students recieved feedback on their outlines from Mr. Zartler

Thursday, 26 February

4th Period students received another short lesson on creating an outline from note cards.

Students had time and support to develop their outlines to the topic sentence level.

These outlines are due next week.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Shaespeare Vocabulary Assignment

Creating the Vocabulary Card

I knew that by closely looking at a single word, students would be able to learn, in addition to the definition of that word, much about the way language works. To advance this understanding, I created what I call the vocabulary card. I called on ideas I'd picked up from Drawing Your Own Conclusions: Graphic Strategies for Reading, Writing and Thinking, by Fran Claggett, that had helped my students go beyond illustrating text to visualize concepts and think metaphorically. I also drew on a vocabulary idea I borrowed and adapted from a writing project colleague who helped her English language learners expand their English by having them write a word on a three-by-five-inch card and then brainstorming and writing related words on the same card. For instance, for baseball, students might write "bat," "ball," "cap," "diamond," and other baseball-related words.
As you will see, the vocabulary card works best with "big" words, such as those found in works with a heavily Latinate vocabulary. Frankenstein, Martin Luther King's Letter from Birmingham Jailand the Declaration of Independence all qualify. Sometimes, I ask students to pick a word from their reading to work with. Other times, I select words, make a word list, cut the list into strips, and have the students draw their word from my Edgar Allan Poe coffee cup.
Now students are ready to go to work. The first step is to divide the word into prefix, root, and suffix—not syllables. I explain that not all words have prefixes and suffixes, but that some will have more than one prefix or suffix. This distinction is not an easy concept for students to grasp.Antirevolutionary, for instance, has seven syllables but only one prefix, two suffixes, and one root word. I model this for the students on the overhead projector, but the lesson seldom takes at this distance, at least not the first time. I need to get closer, to walk around the classroom and explain the difference between syllables and word parts to small groups of students.
Now they are not memorizing; they are digging, performing a kind of literacy detective work.
The next step is to find the meaning of each part of the word. This puts students into territory where they have been before—usually not very successfully. They have memorized lists of prefixes and suffixes and their meanings, but, for the most part, this exercise hasn't much advanced their knowledge. But now they are not memorizing; they are digging, performing a kind of literacy detective work. They discover how to identify the prefix in the dictionary: the in with the hyphen after it; the suffix tion with the hyphen before it. Then I turn the students loose on the fun part. "Find the etymology," I announce.
"The what?" they ask.
I explain that they're looking for the history of the word. "What language was this word before it became English?" This research can be challenging. When they look for the root word forinconceivable, for instance, they'll discover that while the root word is conceive, the root ofconceive is ceive. I need to be prepared to help.
Next, students do a quickdraw of the concept of the word, not the definition. A picture of the definition of pedestrian is a person walking. A picture of the concept could be a foot. Their drawings are wonderful, creative, and occasionally breathtaking. One young man was puzzled about how to draw desolation. We talked for a minute or two about the intensity of the word's meaning. A few minutes later, he said, "I think I've got it, Mrs. Simmons," and handed me the card. On it was an exquisite drawing of an airplane flying into the second World Trade Center tower while the first one lay in ruins. I was stunned for a moment and told him, "You certainly do!" (The World Trade Center became the concept drawing for several words. See figure 1 for inconceivable.)
Figure 1 
To help students establish connections among words, I ask them to find three words with the same root. They can usually do this by looking on the same dictionary page as their word, although I frequently direct them to other parts of the dictionary because I want them to understand the power of prefixes and suffixes. So a student investigating inconceivable is led to the related words receiveconceive and conceivability.
Finally, I direct students to the text they're reading to discover how the author used the word. I ask them to identify the part of speech (frequently a function of the suffix) and to write the definition as the author intended it. Armed with an understanding of the history, concept, and context, students begin to understand the power and nuances of English.
After they have completed this, I give them a five-by-eight-inch card and these instructions:
  • Write the root of the word in capital letters in red in the middle of the card. Draw an arrow and write the meaning of the root and the language of its origin.
  • Write the prefix in black to the left of the root. Draw an arrow and write the meaning of the prefix.
  • Write the suffix in blue to the right of the root. Draw an arrow and write the meaning of the suffix.
  • In the lower left corner, write three words with the same root.
  • Put your quickdraw in the lower right of the card.
  • Write the author's definition and part of speech at the top of the card.
When the students finish their cards, I put them up on the bulletin board.
As students examine the cards their classmates have produced, they are not so much collecting new words as they are developing an understanding of how the English language works

Tuesday / Wednesday 24 / 25 February

Students who turned in their Annotated Bibliographies on time got them back.

Note Cards were due and were checked.

Mr. Zartler gave the following ( at bottomw of this entry) vocabulary assignment to be worked on during the reading of Henry V.

Mr. Zartler gave a lesson on using note cards to create and outline, and on outlining.

The class finished viewing the Shakespeare Uncovered on Henry IV and Henry V.

Vocab Assignment:
Henry V
Vocabulary and Question Journal

Part A: Vocabulary
For this unit on Shakespeare’s Henry V we will be immersed in language. Language is dynamic; it grows and morphs and shape-shifts. Language has the power to connect people, start feuds, deepen understanding and inspire the unimaginable. Over the course of the next few weeks we’ll pay attention to how language affects us as readers and as writers. We will investigate meaning and formulate preferences for our own language choices.

As a tool to support this process, you will create vocabulary cards using 3 by 5 or 5 by 8 index cards.  Please choose words that you come across in the play (Shakespeare’s words, not the translator’s). Choose words that are new to you. This may include a word that you’ve come across several times but never fully understood before now.  Choose words because they’re exciting, weird, surprising, racy, beautiful, ugly, intense, and/or words that are utterly useful and how-did-you-ever-make-it-this-far-without-it. Choose new words for any good reason you can think of.

Please make 15 cards total that covers the scope of the reading. Follow the steps below for each entry (adapted from Eileen Simmons of The National Writing Project):

  • Write the root of the word in capital letters in red in the middle of the card. Draw an arrow and write the meaning of the root and the language of its origin.
  • Write the prefix in black to the left of the root. Draw an arrow and write the meaning of the prefix.
  • Write the suffix in blue to the right of the root. Draw an arrow and write the meaning of the suffix.
  • In the lower left corner, write three words with the same root.
  • Put your quickdraw in the lower right of the card.
  • Write the author's definition and part of speech at the top of the card.

For an example, look at the next entry on the blog.

Part B: Questioning

Please make 15 entries total that covers the scope of the reading.  For each entry:
·      Ask a question about style, plot, anything you want that is related to the play somehow.  If you need more guidance, consider the 5 different types of questions found on the back of this assignment.
·      Include the page number of the text where you thought of your question.

Question Entry Example:
(1.1.1-5) Is Canterbury plotting against the king in the opening scene when he talks to Ely? 

Due:                                                    Worth: 30 formative points

Write a question connecting the text to the real world.
Example: If you were given only 24 hours to pack your most precious belongings in a back pack and to get ready to leave your home town, what might you pack? (After reading the first 30 pages of NIGHT).
Write a question about the text that will help everyone in the class come to an agreement about events or characters in the text. This question usually has a "correct" answer.
Example: What happened to Hester Pyrnne's husband that she was left alone in Boston without family? (After the first 4 chapters of THE SCARLET LETTER). OPEN-ENDED QUESTION:
Write an insightful question about the text that will require proof and group discussion and "construction of logic" to discover or explore the answer to the question.
Example: Why did Gene hesitate to reveal the truth about the accident to Finny that first day in the infirmary? (After mid-point of A SEPARATE PEACE).
Write a question dealing with a theme(s) of the text that will encourage group discussion about the universality of the text.
Example: After reading John Gardner's GRENDEL, can you pick out its existential elements?
Write a question dealing with HOW an author chose to compose a literary piece. How did the author manipulate point of view, characterization, poetic form, archetypal hero patterns, for example?

Example: In MAMA FLORA'S FAMILY, why is it important that the story is told through flashback? 

Monday, 23 February

Mr. Zartler was out sick.

Ms. Margolis took students to the library for their last in-class research day.

Note cards are due next class period!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thursday / Friday 19 / 20 February

Students turned in their annotated bibliographies.

Then students compleated and presented background projects.

The class briefly considered the following two Essential Questions for the Henry V Unit.

How does language inspire meaning and expression of experience?

How does conflict serve as an instigator for change/growth?

There was a brief discussion about Cockney Rhyming Slang as an example of language being inspiring.

The class then viewed a piece produced by the BBC on Shakespeare's Henry IV (Part 1 & 2) and Henry V. 4th period viewed about the first half.

18 February

7th Period began researching the background of Henry V.

Both 4th and 7th Periods will present their background research in the form of an annotated graphic one half hour into the next class period.

Directions: In a group of two or three, create a diagram with captions, pictures with captions, or game with players and instructions that depicts the events of the key people leading up to Henry V’s reign.  Before collaborating, read through the history and highlight key events and the people involved. 

The Literary Context of Henry V

Three plays precede Henry V in Shakespeare's historical tetralogy: Richard II, Henry Part I, and Henry IV Part II. As many of the seeds of Henry V's story are sown in these earlier plays, the following plot synopses will help viewers more fully understand the film.

Richard II (who reigned from I377 to I399) was the last in the Plantagenet line and an unfit king. At the beginning of Richard II, Richard settles a dispute between two of his lords, Henry Bolingbroke and Thomas Mowbray, by banishing both of them. Later when Bolingbroke's father dies, Richard seizes Bolingbroke's wealth and land, and then heads for Ireland to quell the rebellious Irish. The nobles remaining in England, worried that Richard's seizure of Bolingbroke's wealth may be a precursor of similar acts by the king, offer support to the exiled Bolingbroke. When he returns, Bolingbroke forms a rebel army with these nobles, and they force Richard to abdicate. Henry Bolingbroke, Duke of Hereford of the House of Lancaster, is crowned King Henry IV, and Richard II is murdered during his imprisonment.

Richard II deals with the ascension of the Lancastrian line, with rebellion, and with the sacred right of kings. It also deals with the burden of kingship and the awesome responsibility of sound and moral leadership. Bolingbroke and his nobles stole the sacred crown, but Richard II did not deserve to wear it.

The story continues in Henry lV, Part I, in which Henry IV (who reigned from 1399 to 14I3) faces continued internal and external unrest. The Welsh, the Irish, and the Scots present a constant threat of revolt, and the English lords who had helped Henry ascend the throne now feel threatened by him. The Percys of Northumberland -- Hotspur, Worcester, and Northumberland himself -- are particularly chafed by Henry's demand for complete obedience. They decide that Mortimer, Richard's designated heir, would be a better king than Henry and they organize a rebellion.

The main action of the play deals with the full-scale development of this rebellion and the parts the different characters play in it. Three important characters are Prince Hal, Hotspur, and Falstaff. Hal, or Harry, the Prince of Wales and son of Henry IV (and the future Henry V) is the hero of this play. He is an irresponsible playboy until events demand that he be otherwise. Then his charm humor, and courage win the audience's heart. When Henry IV, depressed by the rebellion in his kingdom and his son Hal's behavior, suggests that Hotspur (the son of his enemy and rival for the throne) would be a better king than Hal, Hal is crushed. He vows to redeem himself in battle and to call Hotspur to task.

Hotspur is the impetuous son of Northumberland, leader of the rebel forces against Henry IV. Hotspur is a brave, honorable, and hotheaded warrior. He is the same age as Hal, and both men grudgingly admire the other's prowess and bravery. As the conflict escalates into open rebellion, Hotspur vows to kill Hal in battle. But when they meet in combat during the battle at Shrewsbury, Hal slays Hotspur and saves his father's life.

Sir John Falstaff has little to do with the actual rebellion. Although Falstaff is much older than Prince Hal, he is Hal's drinking buddy and boon companion. He is the antithesis of a role model for the heir apparent -- lazy, dishonest, gluttonous, drunken, and cowardly. But he loves the Prince and is so charming that almost all his faults are forgiven. Hal's scenes with Falstaff and his cronies provide a comic subplot within the play, and they will play an important role in revealing Hal's character in Henry V. The play ends with the main threat of the rebellion crushed, and Henry IV and his sons Prince John and Prince Hal departing to hunt down and eliminate the rest of the rebels.

In Henry IV Part II, Hal has not completely abandoned his ways, but his proven bravery in battle and his loyalty to his father now make his reckless behavior less distressing. However, the King is still worried about the fate of England when Hal becomes king. As the old King nears death, Hal assures his father of his love for him and his resolve to be a good king. King Henry then confesses to his son that he won his crown through treachery, and he prays for forgiveness for deposing Richard II, the anointed king. He gives Hal two final pieces of advice: to listen to trusted advisers and to unify the English lords with a foreign war. England at this time was in the midst of the Hundred Years' War, an ongoing but intermittent war with France. The foreign war that Henry IV suggests is an English offensive against France. Henry IV then dies and Prince Hal is crowned Henry V (14I3-1422).

When Falstaff, who had been banished by the Chief Justice, learns that Hal has become king, he returns to London confident that Hal will welcome and reward him at court. Hal, however, surprises Falstaff with a chilling speech and warns him to mend his ways and stay away from him. The advisers surrounding the young king take heart as they witness his integrity and resolve. The play ends with the nobles united behind Henry and ready for war. Internal rebellion has been quelled.

In Henry V, the young king faces the awesome responsibility of the throne. We will see him struggle to become a strong, moral king, to heal the scars left over from the rebellion, and to expand his empire into France. His two mentors, his father, the good but besmirched King Henry IV, and his old friend Falstaff, the teacher of his reckless youth, are dead. He must go forward alone.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Tuesday, 17 February

4th Period went to the library to do research.

Annotations are due next class!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Thursday, 12 February

Introduction to Henry V

The class discussed Shakespeare, completed a brief survey for Mr. Zartler to assess current knowledge of Shakespeare, then began a project to familiarize the class with the history surounding Henry V.

7th Period Wednesday, 11 February and Friday, 13 February

7th Period spent both days on research in the library.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Tuesday, 10 February

Class was in the libarary doing research. Students received the following handout:

WOW Research Paper
Assignments and Due Dates

February 3/4:  Paper and annotated bib assigned

Whole class research time:
4th Period: February 5th; Feb. 10th; Feb. 17th; and February 23rd.
7th Period: February 6th; Feb. 11th; Feb. 13th; February 23rd.

February 19/20:  Four annotated bibliographies due. (20 summative pts)
4th Period changed to Feb. 26 
7th Period: February 24/25: Note cards due (20 summative pts)

4th Period Changed to Monday, March 2nd 
7th Period: February 26/27: Outline due (30 summative pts)
First Draft Assigned.

4th Period Changed changed to March 3 
7th Period:February 27:  Lab time. Drafting

4th Period Changed to March 9th  
7th Period: March 6: First Draft Due March 6tj(25 formative pts) Peer Editing.
Second Draft Assigned                                       

March 10/11: Lab time

March 17/18: Second Draft Due (40 formative pts) Mr. Zartler will edit and review
Final Draft Assigned

March 31 / April 1 Lab time. Work on final draft  

April : Final Draft Due (300 summative pts) 

Annotated bibliographies, note cards, outline, and all drafts will also have individual non-academic grades.  You’ll either earn full credit or none depending on if you turned the assignment in on time.  On time means at the beginning of class you have come in with your assignment in tow.  If you have to use class time to print, then it is late.

No thesis means a no pass for the semester.

WOW Thesis
Annotated Bibliography Instructions

Directions: Follow the format and directions below when completing your annotated bibliographies and your works-cited page.  Four annotations are due on January 20th.  Do not write a bibliography on your primary source.  You only have to complete four of these in total, but remember you must have five sources minimum for your thesis.   (Some of your sources can be books or from other media, but not for this assignment.)

The purpose of this assignment is to introduce you to the Multnomah County Library databases for some and to have you begin researching for your thesis.  Each typed entry (summary
and response) should be no longer than one paragraph.  Use MLA style.  Follow the format below:

1.     Provide a full accurate citation for your article (the information can be easily found on the databases). Use MLA formatting.
2.     After reading the whole article, summarize the most pertinent points found in the article. 
3.     Evaluate the usefulness of the source.  You may want to consider the following questions: Do you agree or disagree with the writer’s argument?   Is there a potential thesis stemming from the author’s ideas?  What is the quality of the source?  How much depth does the author go into? 

Use either the citation maker on OSLIS ( or checkout a Write Source book to learn the proper format for all other citations.
Annotated Bibliography Sample: List the sources you consulted in proper MLA format. Your list should be alphabetical by the author’s last name. Also, you must summarize and evaluate the information in that source and its relevance to your topic.


Modeleski, Tania. The Women Who Knew Too Much. New York: Harper-Collins. 1984.

This is the key text for my topic. It contains analyses of all of the major Hitchcock films and an essential introduction to feminist film theory. From this source, I learned that Freudian psychology plays a large role in the psycho-sexual development of male characters in film. The book was so relevant that my biggest challenge was to try to create new ideas that were not already represented in the book.

Points Possible: 20  Due February 19 /20

Note Card Assignment
WOW Research Paper

Due on January 26th

You must use a minimum of 5 Sources: 3-4 note cards on each source.  Submit 15 total note cards either bound together with a rubber band or typed using a notecard template. Include a typed works-cited page that includes your five sources (this can be based on source cards or on citations you make online as you go along).  You do not have to do source cards because the works-cited page serves as your reference.

Points Possible: 20  Due February 26/27