Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday / Wednesday 14 / 15 October

The class was reminded that dialogue journals for independent reading is due next class. Journals should be typed and neatly assembled.

Class had SSR.

Students shared the interior monologues based on the Vargas piece, and considered the question, "Is there a consistent difference in the way allies understand or perceive a situation as compared to the way a "victim" or persecuted person sees the same situation?"

4th Period class ended by writing on the prompt:

Write about a time when faced with a moral dilemma. Mention or indicate what written or unwritten law was violated, and describe the dilemma and the actions taken in detail.

7th period class spend time writing about a conflict they were part of in which they played one of the roles: target, perpetrator, bystander, or ally.

7th period began discussing the questions, "What makes it easier or more difficult to relate to a character in a text?" and "What factors do people consider wen identifying themselves?"

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