Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday / Wednesday 21 / 22 April

Students were given a checklist to first self-check then peer-check their Henry V essays.

Then students read and analyzed a story about literacy in Afganistan.

Henry V Essay Checklist:
Henry V and modern war text analytical essay

Paper is about 3 typed pages, 2x spaced, 12 point font

Introduction includes
Thesis Statement (underline your thesis)
Both / All texts are introduced
Each body paragraph is alluded (use a different color for each body paragraph to circle the key word or words that are in both the introduction and the topic sentence.)

Each Paragraph has
Topic Sentences
Topic sentences share at least one key word with the thesis (use a different color for each body paragraph to circle the key word or words that are in both the introduction and the topic sentence.)
No initial pronouns or vague nouns: first mention of a noun is a proper noun

Quotations are introduced
Quotations are explained
Each explanation has at least one key word from the topic sentence of the paragraph
Quotations are in quotes or block indented
Quotes of three or more lines are block indented
Quotations are given a citation

Summarized (Good enough)
Expands and extends the paper (better)

Thesis statement(s) is (are) proved

Content: The paper addresses one of the essential questions of the unit.

Paper is well edited

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