Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Tuesday / Wednesday May 26 / 27

Students turned in their motif journals and discussed the end of Kite Runner.

Then students had time to work on the following assignment:

Essay Prompts

Directions:  Choose one of the prompts below and write a 3-4 page typed essay covering the scope of the novel, The Kite Runner.  Support your essay with multiple examples from the text. 

Assignment Details:
·       Paper must be typed, 12 pt. book font, double-spaced  (all drafts)
·       About 3 pages long
·       Includes at least two properly embedded quotes; at least three quotes for better papers

Due Dates
·       Rough Draft for peer editing: May 28/29 (25 formative points)
·       Final Draft: June 1 (75 summative points)


Expository Options:

  1. At the outset of the novel, Rahim Khan tells Amir “there is a way to be good again.”  What, in your opinion, turns out to be the road to redemption as the author lays out this thinking—not just for Amir, but for any individual who has experienced some kind of moral breakdown?

  1. Amir says of the incredibly loyal Hassan on page 55: “That’s the thing about people who mean everything they say.  They think everyone else does too.”  To what degree are the interactions of characters in this novel constrained by their very different moral codes?  Who sees “the other” accurately in this novel?  What is the key to that accurate seeing?

  1. When Amir fights Assef his lip is split in two. This is just one in a long series of deformities and scars presented in Kite Runner. How does the motif of deformity help the reader understand the ideas of guilt in Kite Runner? (Use at least three different characters and their deformities / scars in you response.)

  1. How do you think the narrator of Kite Runner define redemption? Is redemption something that happens internally or externally? How does Hosseini symbolize redemption in the book? Where does redemption come from?

  1. You may come up with your own topic, but must have it approved in advance of the rough draft due date for it to be acceptable. One way to come up with a topic is to look at the intersection of two different ideas in the novel such as “kites & friendship” or “kites and dreams.”

The Kite Runner
Essay Peer Editing Sheet/Check List

Directions: While reading your peer’s essay, make comments and check off the list of the sections below.  Attach this sheet to the back of your drafts.

_____1. Thesis Statement: Stated or Implied.  Write in the space below.  (Remember a thesis has 2 parts—a subject and an opinion.  Example: “The use of trees in this novel is a clever device for conveying character emotions.”)



_____2. Introduction: What kind of introduction did the writer use?
            Wake up call

_____3. Evidence: Prove your point with specific examples from the novel.  On the essay, mark each of the following you used in a different color.
            Block Quotes using the text for proof
            Embedded quotes using the text for proof
            Paraphrase of incidents, language, characterization, etc that prove your point
            Analysis: Why this evidence proves your point

_____4. Transitions; Refer back to your thesis.  Keep your essay moving.

_____5. Conclusion: What kind of conclusion did you use?
            Circle back to the beginning
            Possible solution
            Restate and emphasize thesis
            Further questions to think about
            Other? (describe it)

_____6. Tight Writing:
            Active Verbs
            Lean Language
            Metaphoric Language
            Sentence Variety

_____7. Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling checked and corrected

On the back of this page, describe two things that need to be revised the most and two things the author does particularly well.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday, 18 May

Class focused on analyzing the role of women and comparing the point of view of women in Kite Runner to the role and experiences of the male characters.

Next class:

Quiz on Kite Runner through page 272

Landay and explanatory paragraph assignment due.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Thursday / Friday 14 / 15 May

The class read and discussed a variety of Landay's and used them to discuss key scenes and motifs in Kite Runner.

The following assignment is due Monday for period 4 and Wednesday for period 7:

Identify a key passage or scene in Kite Runner with a quote and a page number

Write a Landay(s) that reflects the POV of a character (real or imaginary) in Kite Runner (other than Amir, the narrator) of the scene or motif.

Write a solid paragraph that explains how the Landay(s) add to ones understanding of Kite Runner.

Students will have a quiz on the next section of the book on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Tuesday / Wednesday 12 / 13 May

Class took the second reading quiz.

Next small groups generated a short list of key scenes from the first half of the book, and students choose one to write about.

Choosing either a topic the student had an "aha!" about, or a question that he or she is "stuck" on, each student wrote a discussion question for Kite Runner.

4th Period will be discussing the following questions next class:
1) What made Baba decide to not get cancer treatment?
2) Why did Amir say America gave Baba an ulcer?
3) How might things have turned out differently if Hassan and Ali hadn't left?
4) How would Amir and Hassan's relationship change / develop given more time between them?

7th Period will be discussing the following:
Why doesn't Amir help Hassan?
Is it the relationship with pride and honor that make Amir and Baba so different?
How does Baba's wealth help in the escape from Afganistan?
Why did Amir choose not to protect Hassan if he considers him a brother?

Monday, May 11, 2015

Monday, 11 May

Students received their Senior Thesis and scores for the thesis.

Students received an up to date grade print out; the signed print out is due next class.

Students shared their Landays with the class.

Class discussed various topics related to Kite Runner.

There is a quiz on pages 100-189 next class.

Chapters 14-21 (190-272) are due on the 18th and 19th.

The entire books should be ready by May 26th and 27th.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday / Friday 7 / 8 May

Class began with the quiz on pages 1-100.

Next students were presented some mystery texts (below):

After discussing the texts, the class listened to a story about the Landay.

All students should bring a Landay to class on Monday.

Mystery Texts Related to Kite Runner

Name _____________________________________________ Date ________________ Period ____

Read the texts below. Take note of what your response to the texts. Note what is present and what is not present in the text. What are the texts about? What can you tell about the speaker of each text? What questions do you have about the texts? What do you find yourself thinking about after reading the texts?

When sisters sit together, they always praise their brothers.
When brothers sit together, they sell their sisters to others.

How much simpler can love be?
Let’s get engaged. Text me.

 I’ll kiss you in the pomegranate garden. Hush!
People will think there’s a goat in the underbrush.

Your eyes aren’t eyes. They’re bees.
I can find no cure for their sting.

May God destroy the Taliban and end their wars.
They’ve made Afghan women into widows and whores.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

7th Period: The Week of 27 April - 1 May

7th Period: The Week of 27 April - 1 May 

Students had class on Monday and Wednesday and Friday of this week.

On Monday students turned in their essays on Henry V.

Students self-evaluated their essays by answering the following questions

How does this essay address the use of language? Does it show your ability to compare and contrast the use of language?

Which essential question from this unit is addressed in this essay? How well did you address this question in your essay?

What grade do you think you have earned on this assignment and why?

We were only able to enjoy a few Senior Presentations

Wednesday the class primarily enjoyed hearing Senior Thesis Presentations

Mr. Zartler introduced the "My Plan" essay.

On Friday students received a graphic organizer for the "My Plan" essay  and had the class period to write the essay, upload it to Naviance, and to turn in a hard copy with a grading rubric attached to Mr. Zartler.

4th Period: The Week of 27-20 April

4th Period: The Week of 27-30 April

Students had class on Monday and Thursday of this week.

On Monday students turned in their essays on Henry V.

Students self-evaluated their essays by answering the following questions

How does this essay address the use of language? Does it show your ability to compare and contrast the use of language?

Which essential question from this unit is addressed in this essay? How well did you address this question in your essay?

What grade do you think you have earned on this assignment and why?

After this the class discussed an article about the government of Afganistan's efforts to promote literacy and the work of Portland resident Zahar Wahab to help spread literacy there.

Then Mr. Zartler introduced the "My Plan" essay.

On Thursday students received a graphic organizer for the "My Plan" essay  and had the class period to write the essay, upload it to Naviance, and to turn in a hard copy with a grading rubric attached to Mr. Zartler.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday, April 23rd

4th Period continued with Thesis presentations.

Students were also reminded to read the article about Literacy in Afganistan for Monday.

The class reviewed for the Henry V paper due on Monday.

Mr. Zartler presented a lesson on Connotation and Denotation to prepare students for the Motif Tracking that students will pursue while reading Kite Runner. Students had time to begin reading Kite Runner.

Kite Runner Motif Tracking

Definition: A motif is a recurring object, concept, or structure in a work of literature.  A motif may also be two contrasting elements in a work such as good and evil.  The purpose of this journal is to track motifs that serve as ways to unify the work as a whole. 

Directions:  In a journal consisting of two columns, track three motifs found in the novel.  In the left hand column, write up to ten words of the quote where the motif appears, label the motif, and include the page number.  Include a minimum of five entries per motif (15 total).   In the right column, discuss the author’s purpose, tone, and your own insights about the function of the motif. 

Due Date:

Points Possible: 30

List the three motifs you will track here:

Motif                                                              Interpretation
Write the quote, page number and motif in this column
Write the author’s purpose, tone, your own insights in this column

Page #:



Page #:




Kites, games, friendship, regret, guilt, redemption, dreams, trees, clothing, deformity/scars (seen and unseen), music, weapons (slingshots, brass knuckles), food, colors, gifts, vehicles and books

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday / Wednesday 21 / 22 April

Students were given a checklist to first self-check then peer-check their Henry V essays.

Then students read and analyzed a story about literacy in Afganistan.

Henry V Essay Checklist:
Henry V and modern war text analytical essay

Paper is about 3 typed pages, 2x spaced, 12 point font

Introduction includes
Thesis Statement (underline your thesis)
Both / All texts are introduced
Each body paragraph is alluded (use a different color for each body paragraph to circle the key word or words that are in both the introduction and the topic sentence.)

Each Paragraph has
Topic Sentences
Topic sentences share at least one key word with the thesis (use a different color for each body paragraph to circle the key word or words that are in both the introduction and the topic sentence.)
No initial pronouns or vague nouns: first mention of a noun is a proper noun

Quotations are introduced
Quotations are explained
Each explanation has at least one key word from the topic sentence of the paragraph
Quotations are in quotes or block indented
Quotes of three or more lines are block indented
Quotations are given a citation

Summarized (Good enough)
Expands and extends the paper (better)

Thesis statement(s) is (are) proved

Content: The paper addresses one of the essential questions of the unit.

Paper is well edited